Gavrilov L.A., Gavrilova N.S. The Biology of Life Span: A Quantitative
Approach, NY: Harwood Academic Publisher, 1991, 385p.
This book is selected and cited by Encyclopedia Britannica as recommended reference. The book was also reviewed by Nature (1991, 352: 767), British Medical Journal (1992, 305: 431), Population and Development Review (1992, 18: 555 and 1998, 24: 381), Population Studies (1992, 46: 366), Am. J. Epidemiology (1994, 139: 231), Experimental Gerontology (1992, 27: 251), Gerontologist (1991, 31: 707), Human Biology (1992, 64: 630), J. Epidemiology & Community Health (1992, 46: 630), J. Institute of Actuaries (1992, 119: 379), BioEssays (1993, 15: 359), Quarterly Review of Biology (1993, 68: 92), Age and Ageing (1992, 21: 386), Ageing and Society (1991, 11: 509), Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics (1992, 15: 192), Educational Gerontology (1993, 19: 92), Free Radical Biology & Medicine (1992, 12: 331). |
Gavrilov LA, Gavrilova NS. Reliability Theory of Aging and Longevity. In: Masoro E.J. & Austad S.N.. (eds.): Handbook of the Biology of Aging, Sixth Edition. Academic Press. San Diego, CA, USA, 2006, 3-42. Curtsinger JW, Gavrilova NS, Gavrilov LA. Biodemography of Aging and Age-Specific Mortality in Drosophila melanogaster. In: Masoro E.J. & Austad S.N.. (eds.): Handbook of the Biology of Aging, Sixth Edition. Academic Press. San Diego, CA, USA, 2006, 261-288. |
Gavrilov LA, Gavrilova NS. Models of Systems Failure in Aging. In: P Michael Conn (Editor): Handbook of Models for Human Aging, Burlington, MA : Elsevier Academic Press, 2006. 45-68. ISBN 0123693918. |
Gavrilova, N.S., Gavrilov, L.A. Human longevity and reproduction: An evolutionary perspective. In: Voland, E., Chasiotis, A. & Schiefenhoevel, W. (eds.): Grandmotherhood - The Evolutionary Significance of the Second Half of Female Life. Rutgers University Press. New Brunswick, NJ, USA, 2005, 59-80. |
Gavrilova, N.S., Gavrilov, L.A., Semyonova, V.G., Evdokushkina, G.N., Ivanova, A.E. 2005. Patterns of violent crime in Russia. In: Pridemore, W.A. (ed.). Ruling Russia: Law, Crime, and Justice in a Changing Society. Boulder, CO: Rowman & Littlefield Publ., Inc, 117-145. |
Strategies for Engineered Negligible
Why Genuine Control of Aging May Be Foreseeable (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences) Gavrilov LA, Gavrilova NS. Early-Life Programming of Aging and Longevity: The Idea of High Initial Damage Load (the HIDL Hypothesis). Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2004, 1019: 496-501. Gavrilova NS, Gavrilov LA, Semyonova VG, Evdokushkina GN. Does Exceptional Human Longevity Come With High Cost of Infertility? Testing the Evolutionary Theories of Aging. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2004, 1019: 513-517. Gavrilov LA, Gavrilova NS. The Reliability-Engineering Approach to the Problem of Biological Aging. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2004, 1019: 509-512. |
Gavrilov, L.A., Gavrilova, N.S. Early-life factors modulating lifespan. In: Rattan, S.I.S. (Ed.). Modulating Aging and Longevity. 2003. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2003, 27-50. |
Gavrilov L.A., Heuveline P. Aging of Population. In: Paul Demeny and Geoffrey McNicoll (Eds.) The Encyclopedia of Population. New York, Macmillan Reference USA, 2003, vol.1, 32-37. |
Gavrilova, N.S., Gavrilov, L.A. Evolution of Aging. In: David J. Ekerdt (ed.)Encyclopedia of Aging, New York, Macmillan Reference USA, 2002, vol.2, 458-467. Gavrilov, L.A., Gavrilova, N.S. Genetics. In: David J. Ekerdt (ed.) Encyclopedia of Aging, New York, Macmillan Reference USA, 2002, vol.2, 536-538. Gavrilova, N.S., Gavrilov, L.A. Genetics: Ethnicity. In: David J. Ekerdt (ed.)Encyclopedia of Aging, New York, Macmillan Reference USA, 2002, vol.2, 538-539. |
Sex and Longevity: Sexuality, Gender, Reproduction, Parenthood (Research and Perspectives in Longevity) Gavrilov, L.A., Gavrilova, N.S. Human longevity and parental age at conception. In: J.-M.Robine, T.B.L. Kirkwood, M. Allard (eds.) Sex and Longevity: Sexuality, Gender, Reproduction, Parenthood, Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2000, 7-31. |